The Sub-Regional Facilitators who form the NGO Major Group for Africa (NMGA)held a three day Strategy Meeting in Cairo, Egypt, from 19-21 March 2018. This was the first meeting for the newly elected NGO Major Group Sub-Regional Representatives, representing all the five Blocs of Africa (Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern and Central). It was also the first time that the NGO Major Group for Africa leadership was sitting to develop a forward looking strategy that will support Africa Civil Society engagement with the United Nations, Africa Union and other Development actors in realizing both Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the Agenda for Transformation by 2030, commonly known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda.
The NGO Major Group for Africa recognizes the exciting opportunity provided by the two Development Agenda i.e. AU Agenda 2063 and the UN Agenda 2030, as well as the emerging development frameworks by other stakeholders. It also comes during a period when the Africa continent is committed to a Common and collective Trade Zone, as well as specific reforms of both the Africa Union (as proposed by The Kagame Report) and the United Nations (as outlined by the Secretary General).
In this regard, engagement with the UN and Africa Union is not only a necessity for Civil Society across Africa, but requires a forward looking strategy that goes beyond existing frameworks.
We have therefore resolved as follows:
- Scope of Engagement
The NGO Major Group for Africa will engage on all aspects of UN agenda that affect our development. This includes, but is not limited to General Assembly second and third committees (including SDG Agenda, Climate Change and Financing for Development), UN Agencies, as well as other Member State engagements that have a direct bearing on the continent. This is no way an expansion of the scope of the NGO Major Group beyond that outlined in Section C Paragraph 42 to 55 the Rio+ 20 outcome document “ The Future We Want” read together with the UN General Assembly Resolution 67/290 paragraph 8c,13,14,15,16, 22 and 24. Instead it is a recognition of the inter-linkages of sustainable development agenda and the realization that the United Nations does not engage in silos. This is in line with Principles outlined in The Future We Want Outcome Document of the Rio +20 Summit, which is the basis for the SDG Agenda.
We have also resolved that our Geographical scope will be directed by the quest for a United Africa as outlined by the Africa Union agenda 2063. In this regard, we have resolved that Northern Africa shall be part of the NGO Major Group for Africa, working in collaboration with the Major Group for Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA).
- Strategic Focus and Objectives
We will focus on the following Three Strategic Pillars:
- Institutional capacity and strengthening
- Programming and advocacy
- Resourcing and sustainability
These pillars will be realized through the following objectives:
- To strengthen Africa CSOs voice and capacity to influence the sustainable development agenda.
- To build the institutional capacity of the NGO Major Group for Africa and its stakeholders.
- To support and influence the AU and UN reform agendas for inclusive and sustainable development.
- To promote engagement and establish linkages between African CSOs and various stakeholders for sustainable development.
- Structure and Governance
We have resolved the following:
3.1 . The Chair of the NGO Major Group for Africa will be Ayman Okeil, Executive Director for MAAT for Peace and Development and the Sub-Regional Facilitator for Northern Africa.
MrAyman Okeil (Northern Africa Regional Organizing Partner) shall serve for a period of one year effective 21st March, 2018. Thereafter the Executive Team has the option to either renew, or rotate the Chairmanship among the five representatives.
3.2. There shall be Four Leaders of each of the Strategic Pillars as follows:
Judith Kaulem (Southern Africa Regional Organizing Partner) shall serve as the Head of the Institutional Capacity and Strengthening pillar.
Henry Oriokot (Eastern Africa Regional Organizing Partner) shall serve as the Head of Programming and Advocacy pillar.
Kofi Kankam (Western Africa Regional Organizing Partner) shall serve as the Head of Resourcing and sustainability pillar.
Bernard Lutete (Central Africa Regional Organizing Partner) shall be identified with a department but in the interim will provide technical backstopping across the three pillars
- The UN NGO Major Group–AfricaSecretariat
We have agreed that:
4.1 The NGO Major Group- Africa Secretariat shall in the interim be hosted by Maat for Peace and Development, Cairo, Egypt.
4.2 Maat for Peace and Development has agreed and accepted to provide a fully functional secretariat for the UN NGO Major – Africa in the interim.
4.3 The Secretariat shall work in consultation with the functional Heads and approval from the Executive Committee on all matters of concern.
- Engagement of Wider Civil Society from across Africa
Each of the Sub-Regional Facilitators is responsible for Mobilization and ensuring engagement of as many CSOs as possible from their Region. In this regard we will strive to have national representatives from as many countries as possible, and strive to ensure a wide engagement and collaboration with other CSO Coalitions, Networks, Organizations and all partners working on areas of interest to the NGO Major Group.
We shall also work to strengthen our collaboration and engagement with other NGO Major Groups around the world, as well as other UN Major Groups and Stakeholders in Africa.
- Meetings
All meetings of the Sub-Regional Facilitators shall be held as need arises, but no later than at least once every three months. The Sub-Regional Facilitatorsshall have the responsibilities for fundraising to meet the costs of running the activities of the NGO Major Group for Africa including the physical meetings.
A full Strategy Document will be made available by the end of April 2018.
It shall be available on our new website:
Contact us:
- NMGA Sub-Regional Representatives:
Ayman Okeil : [email protected], [email protected]
Judith Kaulem: [email protected]
Kofi Kankam: [email protected]
Henry Oriokot :[email protected]
Bernard Lutete: [email protected]
- NMGA Secretariat: [email protected]